Overhead Electric Power ADSS Armored Fiber Optic Cable

ADSS cable, Loose tube construction, tubes jelly filled, tubes with filler rods lay up around non-metallic FRP (Fiber-glass Reinforced Plastic) central strength member, water-blocking material, aramid yarns reinforced and HDPE outer sheath.

ADSS cable is up to 144 optical fibres in jelly-filled loose tubes, laid up around a central non-metallic strength member. The cable is water blocked, aramid yarn reinforced and polyethylene sheathed. Surface printing for the cable includes sequential length marking at one-metre intervals. Mainly installed at existing 220kV or lower voltage power lines . Two Jacket and stranded loose tube design.

Two important materials: 1. It is Track-resistant HDPE; 2. Imported aramid.

Overhead Electric Power ADSS Armored Fiber Optic Cable

Overhead Electric Power ADSS Fiber Optic No Armoured Cable Track-resistant Outer Sheath High voltage HDPE 110KV

       ADSS cable, Loose tube construction, tubes jelly filled, tubes with filler rods lay up around non-metallic FRP (Fiber-glass Reinforced Plastic) central strength member, water-blocking material, aramid yarns reinforced and HDPE outer sheath.

ADSS cable is up to 144 optical fibres in jelly-filled loose tubes, laid up around a central non-metallic strength member. The cable is water blocked, aramid yarn reinforced and polyethylene sheathed. Surface printing for the cable includes sequential length marking at one-metre intervals. Mainly installed at existing 220kV or lower voltage power lines . Two Jacket and stranded loose tube design.

Two important materials: 1.  It is Track-resistant HDPE; 2.  Imported aramid.


1 Cable design

1. 48 SM-fibers

2. G652 D operating wavelength at 1260~1625nm.

3. FRP as central strength member.

4. Loose buffer tubes SZ-stranded.

5. The buffered tube filled with filling compound while the stranded core covered with water block material

6. Aramid yarns as peripheral strength member

7. Track-resistant HDPE(PE outer sheath is applied for the application in which cable is installed at the place where the spatial potential ≤12KV)

8. Suitable as: Aerial installation (Span:150m)

2 Reference Standard

IEC 60793-1, 60793-2, 60794-1

ITU-T G650, G652

3 Fiber color coding
Overhead Electric Power ADSS Armored Fiber Optic Cable No Armoured Track Resistant Outer Sheath 0
4 Tube color coding
            The tubes and filler rods are stranded according to full color code as follows, if there are fillers, the color will be natural.Overhead Electric Power ADSS Armored Fiber Optic Cable No Armoured Track Resistant Outer Sheath 1
5  Cable structure and parameter


Item Contents Value
12 24
Loose tube Material PBT
Number 1 2
Diameter(mm) 2.2
Filler Number 5 4
Max. fiber counts per tube 12
Central strength member Material FRP
Diameter(mm) 2.4
PE Diameter(mm)
Peripheral strength member Material Aramid yarns
Outer sheath Material PE/HDPE
Color Black
Thickness(mm) Nominal 1.7, Min. 1.5
Cable diameter (mm) ( ±0.5) 10.1
Cable weight (kg/km) (±10%) 83
6 Mechanical Performance of Cable
Item Unit Value
Rated tensile strength (RTS) N 5400
Crush strength (Short/ Long term) N/100mm 1000/300


7   Characteristic of Optical Fiber


Mode field diameter (1310nm): 9.2mm±0.4mm
Mode field diameter (1550nm): 10.4mm±0.8mm
Cladding diameter: 125mm±1.0mm
Core/cladding concentricity error: <12mm
Cladding non-circularity: <1.0%
Refractive index profile: 1310nm 1.4672
1550nm 1.4683
Cut off wavelength of cabled fiber (lCC): <1260nm
Attenuation at 1310nm: <0.36dB/km
Attenuation at 1383±3nm: <0.36dB/km
Attenuation at 1550nm: <0.22dB/km
The loss increase of 100 turns of fiber loosely wound
with 25mm radius: <0.05dB
Dispersion in the range 1288 to 1339nm: <3.5ps/ (nm•km)
Dispersion at 1550nm: <18ps/ (nm•km)
Dispersion slope at zero dispersion wavelength: <0.092ps/(nm2•km)
Polarization mode dispersion link value: <0.1ps/Ökm


Core material

The core of the optical fiber, with a higher refractive index compared to the cladding, is made of SiO2 (Silicon dioxide) doped with GeO2 (Germanium dioxide).

Cladding material

The cladding of the optical fiber is made of SiO(Silicon dioxide).

Type of primary coating

The primary coating is made of an UV-curable acryl ate.


8. Characteristic of Optical Cable


Mechanical characteristic and test method
Tensile strength MAT, conform to IEC 60794-1-21-E1 while fiber strain is ≤0.33%
Crush 1000N,conform to IEC 60794-1-21-E3
Impact Conform to IEC 60794-1-21-E4
Repeated bending Conform to IEC 60794-1-21-E6
Torsion Conform to IEC 60794-1-21-E7
Abrasion Conform to IEC 60794-1-21-E2B
Cable bend Conform to IEC 60794-1-21-E11
Water penetration Conform to IEC 60794-1-F5B
Compound flow Conform to IEC 60794-1-21c-E14
Temperature requirement Operation – 40℃ ~ +60℃
Installation – 15℃ ~ +50℃
Storage/transportation – 40℃ ~ +60℃
Temperature cycling test Conform to IEC 60794-1-22-F1
Bending Radius Unloaded 10 times of outer diameter
Loaded 20 times of outer diameter